MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

2 korrik 2007


Hey we made it to Michigan on Saturday. Sunday was pretty uneventful. We went to church and then we went and visited my cousin at the Trick Dog where she works. After that we came home and then ate lunch. We went to the beach around 4ish and body surfed because it was really windy so the waves were HUGE! We topped off the day with a huge monopoly tournament (my dad won.)
Today we got up early and walked downtown with mom and dad. We got a ride back with my Aunt and came back to my Grandparents' house for lunch. Then we took my Grandpa's canoe out and paddled across the bay to visit the Trick Dog and the Library (where my aunt works) before paddling back. We played Mexican Train Dominoes with my cousins, Grandma, and mom. I'll have to post some pictures of us canoing once we get home (or when I figure out how to get them from the camera to my Grandparents' computer.)

3 komente:

Hanna tha...

wow, sounds like you are having a great time in michigan. i love body surfing, it is the best. i want to learn how to surf for real, that would be sweet. i haven't been doing much in eau claire, just hanging out with my cousin who is visiting (and doing lots of chores)

Becka tha...

Sounds like fun! I love canoes.

P tha...

hey, dad didn't win the monopoly tournament, auntie julie did because she was the only one who didn't quit!