MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

4 maj 2008


Prom was yesterday and it was a BLAST! We got ready at Paige's house and then went to the dance, which was at Florien Gardens. They actually played good music and had really, really good cookies on tables around the room. The DJ was pretty good and there were doors inside the room where we were dancing where you could go outside and still hear the music, so we went out there when it got to crowded and warm to dance. I don't have a lot of time to post now, but I bet Paula will put up more stuff about it. The first picture is of me outside Paige's house and the second is Paula and me inside Paige's house.
I haven't been doing a whole lot lately. In English we started our Shakespeare unit and are reading The Taming of the Shrew. I started a self defense class with Erin, Leah, and Paula. We have the Band Pops Concert on Wednesday so we are playing for the Art Show in the library (which I have some jewelry pieces in). I'll post again soon!

3 komente:

Becka tha...

very pretty! I'm glad that you had fun!

Lisabeth tha...

Thanks! It was a lot of fun. What have you been up to?

Lauren tha...

Aww.. so cute! Prom was so much fun...