MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

1 prill 2008

Iowa Trip

For a super-detailed synopsis of the trip, see Paula's Blogpage. Summarized: We had a BLAST! :)

19 komente:

Becka tha...

I like the picture of all of us on the haybale. I wish we had a longer time! It was a blast.

Lisabeth tha...

Me too, we all had so much fun! We miss you tons and tons. :(

Becka tha...

I miss you all tons and tons too. I have the solo thing this week. I don't want to.

Lisabeth tha...

Ahhh! Ours is tomorrow! I don't want to do it either. But I guess it won't be that bad. We'll let you know how it goes.

P tha...

future generations shouldn't be deprived of my work because i was shoeing...away...donkeys

Megan tha...

what exactly are you talking about paula?

P tha...

its from a movie! my family and other animals. you should see it. it is quite funny!!

Becka tha...

Sounds interesting.

Lisabeth tha...

teehee :D

Becka tha...

Haha. Hoho. Twinkie.

Lisabeth tha...

Haha, that's funny! :) Last night we went to the school play. I laughed so hard I almost wet myself! :D It was really funny. It was called Cash On Delivery and Hannah Starr, Jessica Wachs, Tim Carter, and Veronica Lewis were in it.

Becka tha...

OOOH! I want to see it!

Becka tha...

you need to blog or I will wither away from lack of conversation!!

Lisabeth tha...

I'll blog in a couple of days when something exciting should be happening veeery soon.

Becka tha...


Lisabeth tha...

I'll blog by Wednesday hopefully. I have to post a pic and I don't have what I'm taking the picture of. But you'll love it...=)

Becka tha...

OOOOHHH, interesting!

Becka tha...


Becka tha...

Iron man and Batman are my favorite superheros EVER!