MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

12 mars 2008

Orchestra Concert

Hey everybody! I haven't posted in a while, so sorry. But I'm posting right now so it doesn't really matter that much. Lots has happened since I last wrote. I will try to summarize all of it for you:

I recovered from my injury with not much pain. My hand and fingers are fine. Megan, Erin, and Rachel went to JB concert and brought me back a t-shirt which I LOVE! Hence the picture.

We had an orchestra concert last weekend, which went really well. We played Carmen Suite, Rhosymedre, and Lord of the Dance. Unfortunately we didn't get a recording, but it was awesome! Then we went to the symphony concert afterwards in all of our orchestra uniform finery. It was amazing. After that Megan, Rachel, Noah, Paula, and I ended up at Perkins after a long search to find somewhere to get ice cream. It was a blast. I can't remember when I laughed so hard. :)

Ooooh we got a new TV and it is really big! MOVIE NIGHT! Wish Rebecca were here so we could all crash in front of it with a huge bowl of popcorn and Newsies blaring.

10 komente:

Megan tha...

i'm free the last weekend in march, want to have a movie night then? i wish rabecca could come too...its sooo sad.

Lisabeth tha...

Yeah, that would work! So, after Spring Break, we'll talk about it!

Megan tha...

sounds good

Becka tha...

I would love to be there too! I think this is the fist time I got to see a good picture of the new orchestra dresses (other than Paula's picutres). They look very nice!

Hanna tha...

movie night! yay! when are you guys around?

Lisabeth tha...

Hmm...I'll have to let you know. It is now possible that we will be home for part of SB. That could maybe, possibly, but not probably work. If that makes any sense.

Megan tha...

actually now that i look at the calander, i can't at all in march, maybe in april or may :P

Becka tha...

Really random, but it's kind of foggy out right now.

Lisabeth tha...

We are in Pennsylvania right now. In a hotel. We are having a pretty good spring break. How is everyone elses?

Becka tha...

umm, not much happening right now. Your sounding like your having fun.