MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

6 nëntor 2007

Yippee Skippee

Wow I haven't posted in a while...
This week I have a lot of quizes/tests. We start bowling in gym...yay (note my sarcasm). Rachel (my partner) can't bowl because her arm is still kinda messed up and she broke her nose over the weekend so she is in a lot of pain. We played ping-pong today and that was fun. This week is the school play which Hannah and Jessica are both in. I think I am going on Friday night but I'm not completely sure. It should be good.
I have my last drive-time on Saturday and my test is looming ever closer!! :-/ I'm really scared!

15 komente:

Becka tha...

What's the school play about? Ours is about cinderella and the play in this weekend (3 day weekend yay!!!)

Lisabeth tha...

Ours is Antigone and apparently everyone dies at the end of it. Hannah is the lead. I'm going to see it on Friday, I think.

P tha...

yay, driveing test

Hanna tha...

bowling is the best unit ever! you get to bowl! and talk with your friends with minimal amount of effort. except for walking over in the cold.

Lisabeth tha...

Yeah it was really fun! Today I bowled with Rachel and Daniel and scored an 83 which is pretty good for me.

Megan tha...

you're doing the dress thing tomorrow after school right?

Lisabeth tha...

Yeah, are you? My mom knows which one Ms. Pierce is partial to, so we can see it tomorrow! I am excited. I think we are getting fitted at the lock-in.

Megan tha...

yeah i am. if you need a ride home i can give you one. YAY! i'm excited!

darn, i'm not going to be at the lock in.

Becka tha...

what dress and why do you need Ms Pierce's ok? I'm looking at a run rise right now and it is GORGIOUS!

Lisabeth tha...

Ms. Pierce is going to decide on it since we are all getting the same dress...But Megan, Rachel, Paula, and I found some awesome possibilities. We'll have to send you pics once we get them.

Megan tha...

yeah we'll post pics of our concert

P tha...

yay, only i don't think we will get them in time for the dec. 3rd concert which kinda stinks

Becka tha...

Oooh. Good luck on the concert! You have to show me pics! Talking about Orchestra, I think Mrs. Pierce still has my Johnny Deep Hat. Oh well. Why is it that we always seem to play the same songs over and over and over... (Ancienne River, Ashokan Farewell) and not some cool songs (Irish party)?

Lisabeth tha...

We're playing Irish Party for the Elementary tour on Monday. We'll miss you at it! :( How have you been?

Megan tha...