MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

8 shtator 2007


School started on Wednesday. It went okay for the most part. I like all of my classes except for Civics. If this explains anything, we have six football players in our class. Oh, and about 3 or 4 druggies. The teacher is nuts. That is probably all I need to say about it. But German, Orchestra, and AP Lang and Comp are great!
Finally it is the first weekend! This morning we went to the Farmer's Market with my mom and got a bunch of fruit and veggies and other yumness. :P Later today we are probably going to get together with Erin and Leah to get everything ready for the Fall Festival next Saturday! :) I am excited for that.

15 komente:

Hanna tha...

haha that sounds like my chemistry class.

Lisabeth tha...

Really? Haha that's funny!

Megan tha...

yeah ur civics class sounds likes it sucks...i dont have a class like that...thank god

Megan tha...

I saw you today! Woot!

Hanna tha...

i'm glad i took gov!

Becka tha...

I feel for you. Football and druggies? And your teacher is nuts? By the way, why is he nuts?

Becka tha...

Oh, I forgot, my favorite class so far is American Lit. The teacher is fun, we do a lot of reading (NOT BORING BOOKS), and she gives us a little history before each story. It reminds me a little of Euro.

Lisabeth tha...

That sounds like a lot of fun! I really like AP Lang and German and Orchestra right now but I think Ancient and Medieval History will get better as the semeste goes on.

Becka tha...

Wish I could be there to help you w/ the evil people in your class (mainly the football players) :)

Lisabeth tha...

Yeah, me too! They are super annoying...:( How is school for you? We miss you so much in Orchestra! :( We had a tennis match today, Erin and I lost in a tie break!!! It was a tough one.

Itchellmeh tha...

Hi, my name's mitchell. i'm one of becka's annoying cousins/neighbors in iowa. just wanted to say hi (truthfully, i didn't have anything else to do).

P tha...


Lisabeth tha...

Hi Mitchell, I'm Elisabeth. I'm Becka's friend from WI. (But I think you already knew that...)

Becka tha...

I love Christian Bale! sorry just saw the clip

Lisabeth tha...

Isn't it cuuuute!