MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

23 shtator 2007

Homecoming Weekend!

This weekend our school had its Homecoming weekend. The theme was 50 Golden Years since it is the school's 50th birthday. Kinda cheezy theme, huh? Well anyways the parade was canceled because of "bad weather". It was really sunny and only rained for about a minute. Erin and Leah picked us up on Friday night and we went to the football game. It was fun. Nobody was sitting and everyone was talking and goofing around. It is more of a social than sporting event. When we left, MHS was losing 35 to 14. They have only won one game I think throughout this whole season. It is kind of pathetic actually. Saturday Paula and I just hung out and waited until 5:00 when Nina and Hanna came over to get ready for the Homecoming Dance! It was a blast. I am proud to say I did Hanna's hair very well (with a little bit of Nina's help at the end!) We got to the dance fashionably late which was okay because the only people who get there on time are the stupid freshman who don't know anything about prober Dance ettiquette (I know I'm mean.) It was super loud and they played mostly rap music, but other than that it was okay. I danced with a boy :-P (Ok, it was Mitch, but he's still a boy...) And we met Erin and Leah's German Exchange Students. They are so nice but I think the dance overwhelmed them a little bit. Jessica brought her friend from North, Kayla, who is also really nice. I got home at 11:30 pm and crashed.

22 komente:

Megan tha...

woohoooo! the dance was a lot of fun and so was the football game. so....u danced with mitch...interesting :P the music wasnt very good, but thats okay. they played Grace Kelly and that made my day, though i think the people around us thought erin and i were crazy...but thats okay. the funny pic is...funnily AWSOME!

Lisabeth tha...

Yeah the dance/game were a BLAST!! I had so much fun! Yeah...I danced with Mitch, but he was dancing with everyone since he's like one of the only guys that is halfway decent at the dances. :P Did you dance with any boys? I love the funny pic, too!

Megan tha...

no i didn't. i stood in a circle with other single girls and sang along with the songs. :P

Lisabeth tha...

Haha, that's pretty much what I did too when I wasn't dancing with for pretty much all but two seconds of the dance I was dancing alone.

Hanna tha...

haha those are lovely pictures of us. you did do my hair well, although it took half a bottle of conditioner to get out :) i had so much fun, we must do something together soon

Lisabeth tha...

Yeah, I know...Still up for Hairspray sometime?!?! I know I am! :) Twould be great fun. Let me know what you want to do, though.

Hanna tha...

yes i still want to see hairspray. this weekend i am going up to my cabin though. paula said that you guys had tennis, or it would have been fun to have you along

Lisabeth tha...

Yeah our last tournament of the season is all day on Saturday and we are already missing practice tomorrow. AGH! I want to! Maybe another weekend...:)
Let us know about Hairspray.

Becka tha...

I love Hanna's hair! You all look wonderfull. Ooh! Tournament? Hope you do well! (of course, you'll beat them all, no contest)

Lisabeth tha...

Thanks! I was really proud of my wonderful hair-doing abilities. :) I hope we win! I'll let you know tomorrow.

Becka tha...

good luck!

Lisabeth tha...

It got rained out! :( The had to cancel it. I don't think they're going to reschedule either. Oh, well. I went jeans shopping today with Mom and Paula, though, and that kinda made up for it. I also got a sweater! :)

Hanna tha...

it got rained out?! you could have come to my cabin after all. darn. we'll have to do something next weekend

Lisabeth tha...

Definitely! I would love to! Hey, Hairspray is at the cheap theater. We should go sometime this week!

Hanna tha...

yes yes yes! how about wed night?

Lisabeth tha...

what about friday?

Hanna tha...

i have a stupid football marching thing Friday night, but if it rains i could go, otherwise i am free saturday

Lisabeth tha...

ok, either one. i don't know how long it will be at the cameo, though. that could be a potential problem.

Hanna tha...

it just got there i think. last week it was still at the big theater

Lisabeth tha...

ok, so what day works best for you?

Hanna tha...

Saturday afternoon would work, theres a showing at 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, and 9:20, and early time works best for me

Lisabeth tha...

Ok, I'll check with my parents in terms of getting a ride there, but that should work out ok. I'll let you know when I find out!