MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

2 gusht 2007

Wally, Watermelon, and Haircuts!

Yesterday Paula and I were eating watermelon on the front steps and Wally came outside where we were. Paula thought it would be funny to let him eat off her watermelon and I took a picture of it! :) Awww he's so cute! Anyways, I've had a pretty good couple of days back home. Yesterday I went to Borders and picked up a giftcard aswell as previewed a couple of books. Then we went to Michael's so Paula could get some plastic mesh stuff to finish knitting her newsboy style hat. Then I got my hair cut. The picture below is what it looks like. I got long bangs! The picture's not the best, but you can still see what it looks like. After that I had a violin lesson and then I went to try out a German violin that they lady I'm renting the one I have now from just got in. I'm hopefully going to buy one this summer. I have a favorite already. It's Italian but it is used and was cracked at one time. The tone quality is AMAZING though! Then after that Paula and i biked to play tennis with Erin and Leah. Season starts next week! Yikes!

13 komente:

Devil's Son tha...

hi there...nice to meet u

Wired Right Brain

Movie Community

Hanna tha...

yay new violins! fun! i have a used one that was cracked as well. send it to bill hermandson through morgan to get it fixed if you get it, he does good work

Hanna tha...


Lisabeth tha...

Thanks! I like them, too! :) I am super excited about the violin! :) It is AMAZING sounding! How is your trip?

Hanna tha...

its good, today we saw an old abbey that was destroyed after Henry VIII broke with the catholic church. and then we had ice cream!! yum yum yum. my cousins are also teaching me the fine art of playing super smash brothers on their game cube...

Lisabeth tha...

That sounds like a lot of fun! Post some pictures when you get the chance! :) I can't wait to see the stuff you got to see. I have horrible allergies right now so I'm all congested...:(

Becka tha...

I like your hair! If the violin sounds good, it doesn't matter if it's not new. Did Paula eat off her watermelon after Wally did?

P tha...

haha, no, i let wally eat all of it. it was too slimy for me after he was done!! ;)

Hanna tha...

i can't post picture until i get home, because i'm using my aunt and uncles computer, and my pictures are all on my dads laptop, which doesn't connect. i will post millions when i get home though

Lisabeth tha...

Yay! I'm looking forward to seeing all of them. The violin is amazing! I'll have to record myself playing something and send it to you, Rebecca, or I'll play something for you when you come and visit sometime. I miss you soo much (you too Hanna, we have to do something when you get back!)

Becka tha...

That would be cool!

Megan tha...

YAY! New violins! That's awsome! I can't wait to see them. Did you know school starts in only 3 weeks? Well I am just hoping I don't get stuck in my locker again, I don't want that to become a habit. :P

oh and I love your hair cut, it's gorgeous :D

Lisabeth tha...

Thanks! I'm not looking forward to school starting very much...ugh.