MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

7 gusht 2007

Tennis Season

The tennis season started today for school. After waking up early from a horrible night's sleep, I took a shower (mistake number 1) and got ready to leave. When we got to MHS we had to sit around for about fifteen minutes and wait for the coaches to be ready. By that time I was feeling kind of sick. It was really hot and muggy outside. When the coaches finally showed up we got out onto the courts to warm up. We hit for a while and then did drills for groundstrokes first. Then we rotated and did volleys and ended with serving. I am hopefully going to make JV1 this year. I have been on JV2 for the past two years so hopefully this year is my year! I came home and had to take another shower since I was literally dripping with sweat. Now I'm exhausted. Hopefully tomorrow's practice won't be as bad.

9 komente:

Megan tha...

Dripping with sweat isn't that could be worse (pee for example), but I don't think that you would have that problem. Anyways I hope tennis is going well and that you get on jv1 too. :D well have fun running around hitting balls.

Lisabeth tha...

Yeah, pee would be a lot worse! :) Haha. I'll email Aimee sometime today and find out when she's free for the LOTR movie night! Are you going to see High School Musical? We are tomorrow. I can't wait to see Casey as Ryan! Twill be very funny!

P tha...

come on, practice isn't that bad. we just need to remember to
1. tag the toad
2. keep your doopah down
3. get good at being good
4. don't be good at being bad
5. take the initiative
6. don't be a mabel
7. don't be a mental midgit
8. don't get a fuzzy enema??(or something like that)

Megan tha...

yeah I'm going tonight to see it. It should be interesting. :P

Lisabeth tha...

Yeah we went to it today. It was funny! Casey is totally the best one there! He has a really good voice. Have fun!

Becka tha...

Wow Paula. is that stuff your coach says? I hope you both make Jv1!

Lisabeth tha...

Yeah, our coach is a freak! Haha just kidding. He is really weird, though.

Hanna tha...

i sympathize about the heat during tenis. i got home yesterday, and spent 3 hours of today marching in foramtions around a football field...mmmmmm exciting! but any way, i am back now and will post pics soon

Lisabeth tha...

Yay! I can't wait to see what you saw in Europe! Tennis is ok. We had a meet today in Wausau. I won both of my doubles matches. My partner is Erin O'Leary!