MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

14 gusht 2007

silly pictures, improv, and more tennis...

On Sunday Paula and I spent the afternoon jumping off of a picnic table at Erin and Leah's house onto a trampoline and taking pictures of ourselves in mid-air. It was so much fun. THis picture on the left is the best one of me that was taken. After we were done making fools of ourselves we went to Boyd Park where some of the MHS graduates from the improv team were doing a free improv show. It was one of the funniest things that I have seen in a long time. Their best game was one that they made up an hour before the show (or so they said) called Singing/Not Singing. They would start a skit and then at random intervals throughout the skit one of the team members would start playing music on a keyboard and the people in the skit would have to start singing. It was hysterical! I was laughing sooo hard. Oh, for those of you who are taking AP Lang and Comp, we saw Mrs. Nelson there! She got to meet us and we got to meet her. She is super nice and I bet we'll have a good time in that class. We have also been really busy with tennis. We've had two matches in the past four days. Erin and I have lost only one of the four matches that we've played together. I haven't had a chance to play singles yet, luckily. (I hate singles!)

6 komente:

Megan tha...

hey what's better than making fools of yourself? Personally I enjoy doing that. :P That's really cool that you saw Ms. Nelson and I'm glad the show was good. Did you see anyone else there?

Lisabeth tha...

Yeah, we saw Noah, Oliver, Chris Smith, Jesse Somethingorother, and Andrew Morgan. I think that's it, but I might have forgotten a few people...:)How is the third Twilight book? Do you like it? I haven't read it yet but I want to. When are you going to get your schedule?

Hanna tha...

awww man why do i always miss the good improv shows? i bet it was really funny

Lisabeth tha...

Yeah, it was awesome! There's another one on the night of homecoming at the Nucleus, though.

Becka tha...

That sounds like a lot of fun! SCHOOL STARTS ON WEDNESDAY!!!!

Lisabeth tha...

Good luck! It'll be great, don't worry! We still have two and a half weeks of vacation left. But tennis is taking up most of that. We are going to pick up our schedules and get our pictures taken on Tuesday.