MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

21 gusht 2007


Hey I just got my schedule today so here it is!

1. AP Lang and Comp
2. Acc PreCalc
3. Individual Sports
4. German 4
5. Ancient and Medieval History
6. Symphony Orchestra
7. Civics and Public Life

Let me know if you have anything with me!
Yesterday we went and saw Becoming Jane. It was amazing!

16 komente:

Megan tha...

Yeah! We have English together again for the third time in a row! and Orchestra...of course

Lisabeth tha...

Yay! I'm excited now! I didn't know anyone in my class yet.

Hanna tha...

oh man you have ap lang fist hour? thats a great way to start the day. i still have to get my schedule

Becka tha...

I wish I had your schedule. I looks like so much fun. Except for maby AP Lang

Hanna tha...

wahhhh we have no classes together! this is horrible. what lunch are you on?

Lisabeth tha...

I think I'll have 2nd but I'm not sure. What about you?

Hanna tha...

first, b/c i have math wahhhh no lunch together either! how awful! this is tragic! we could write a play and it would beat Romeo and Juliette!

Becka tha...

Except that your both girls. But on the tragety... Way better that R&J.

P tha...

yay, precalc, german, orch, and civics...why do i always have so many classes with you?

Lisabeth tha...

I dunno, its weird how that works out. starts soon!

Megan tha...

So, have you heard from Amiee about a movie night?

Lisabeth tha...

Not yet, but I'll let you know when I do. I'd like to do it sometime this week if possible.

Megan tha...

sounds good :D

Hanna tha...

i just saw becoming jane as well! i thought it was really good. i liked all the costumes

Lisabeth tha...

Me too. I liked the main guy, too...;) Anne Hathaway was very convincing also, I was pleasantly surprised by her. I also liked all of the references to Pride and Prejudice!

Hanna tha...

yes, that was very cool. the main guy was so ugly at the end though. i thought this was the best of Anne Hathaway's performaces