MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

19 korrik 2007

Turtles, orchestra, Harry Potter and other randomness

Hey we went out in the creek again today and found a baby snapping turtle! I held it so Paula could take this picture! --->
Today we had our last day of summer orchestra. I am sad and glad at the same time. It was growing on me. I met a couple of new people from North and just incoming freshman. It looks like we are still going to be pretty good this year. (It will be sad, though without Rebecca!) I had a violin lesson yesterday though, so it was like an overdose on orchestra.
Tomorrow we are hopefully going to see the HP5 movie. Maybe we'll nip into the midnight party for the HP7 book and then on Saturday we are going to wait at home for the book to come! Yay! I am really excited!

5 komente:

Hanna tha...

Harry Potter mania! i dont have to babysit tomorrow, so more time to go through the highlights of the books before it all ends *tear* only on book 4 right now so got to keep reading.
Hanna (aka HP freak)

Lisabeth tha...

Haha. I hope you are having fun rereading them. I am! I'm on book #6 right now and hopefully I can finish them before the 7th one comes out! :)

Hanna tha...

on to #5!

Sarah tha...

Did you keep the turtle? Once you get & read the 7th book tell me how it is and if any one kills HP. I don't think that will happen though. Sigh. On the bright side, maybe Dumbledore is really dead! Just kidding. I'm using my sisters account but I'm really Becka

Lisabeth tha...

We let the turtle go...but I wanted to keep it. Are you ordering the book or are you going to wait and get it later?