MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

31 korrik 2007

CSI Exhibit

We just got back from our trip to Ohio. Paula describes the trip in her blog, but I wanted to talk about the CSI exhibit that we went to in Chicago on the way down. We got to solve a murder case and do all of the things that a CSI would. It was sooo cool! The case that I was "assigned to" was a car that went into a living room. The first thing we did was document the crime scene and then we got to "go to the lab" and check finger prints and DNA. It was awesome. We solved it right, too! I also got a pretty awesome t-shirt that has the CSI logo on it!

5 komente:

Becka tha...

That's so cool. I wish I could have been there. It would have been fun to solve a crime scene.

Lisabeth tha...

It was awesome! Maybe when it comes to MN we could meet each other there and do it together w/ Megan or something! :)

Hanna tha...

that sound so cool! esp b/c a car almost crashed into my house right after school got out.

Becka tha...

that would be a lot of fun!

Hanna tha...

bangs! oooooooh exciting.