MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

22 mars 2008

Spring Break Part 1 (Actually this is from the middle of break, but oh well.)

These are the only pictures so far that I could get to work right away. They are all from Chincoteague Island off Virginia. The first one is me by the ocean, the second is me with a pony, and the third is me and Paula on a hiking trail taking a rest and acting silly.

12 mars 2008

Orchestra Concert

Hey everybody! I haven't posted in a while, so sorry. But I'm posting right now so it doesn't really matter that much. Lots has happened since I last wrote. I will try to summarize all of it for you:

I recovered from my injury with not much pain. My hand and fingers are fine. Megan, Erin, and Rachel went to JB concert and brought me back a t-shirt which I LOVE! Hence the picture.

We had an orchestra concert last weekend, which went really well. We played Carmen Suite, Rhosymedre, and Lord of the Dance. Unfortunately we didn't get a recording, but it was awesome! Then we went to the symphony concert afterwards in all of our orchestra uniform finery. It was amazing. After that Megan, Rachel, Noah, Paula, and I ended up at Perkins after a long search to find somewhere to get ice cream. It was a blast. I can't remember when I laughed so hard. :)

Ooooh we got a new TV and it is really big! MOVIE NIGHT! Wish Rebecca were here so we could all crash in front of it with a huge bowl of popcorn and Newsies blaring.