MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

17 shkurt 2008


Ok, so Paula and I wanted to make cookies today. We got everything out and picked out a recipe. I was putting the beaters into the electric mixer, and I made the mistake of plugging it in first. Well, it turned on and my fingers got caught in it while it was spinning. I freaked out and turned it off. I started laughing, but then it really hurt so I was laughing and crying at the same time. I think I ripped all of the tendons in two of my fingers and possibly broke one of them, but probably not since I can bend all of them. It hurts like H-E-double toothpicks. Don't worry, though, I'm not severely injured and I'll probably be fine.
We have had a pretty good weekend. YAY 4 DAYS OFF!! We all have colds except my dad. It was snowing really hard this morning but it looks like it has stopped now. I want to go and see Jumper sometime while we are off school. Sorry, I'm kind of rambling...

10 shkurt 2008

Busy Weekend!

Well, people, the Italian Dinner is over with. I don't know if I am happy or sad about it. We set up on Friday night, a feat which mainly entailed bringing decorations down from the school's attic, setting up tables, getting the stage ready, and decorating like mad. We had a pizza party after it was all decorated, and then each group playing had a sound check. I got home at 6:30 but it felt like about 10:30 or 11:00. I was bushed, so I stayed up for a little while, and then I went to bed. Bright and early Saturday morning, Erin and Leah picked us up for the ACT. It started at 8:00 AM but we had to be there early to check in. That lasted a boring five hours. After that, we went home for about an hour and a half before we had to go to the Italian Dinner. We got there pretty early and helped with some last minute decorating and setting up. Then we had to get ready to play. I played the first shift and that went all right without any major mishaps. At 6:30 I had to serve which went okay and then Ariel and I went around with a donation box and raked in the moolah. Once all of the guests had left, we had a mad clean-up which included taking down the stage, running up and down the hallways pulling six people on a cart, and carrying heavy items up to the attic. Then a group of us stood around and talked until everyone else left. Then we went home.
On Sunday Paula and I went to Juno with Jessica, then came home and helped my mom make cookies, and Dad and I got lost going to the Community Table to drop of extra ID food. Later tonight we are going to a family friends' house for dinner. So all in all, I've had a very busy weekend.