MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

27 janar 2008

16 janar 2008


Hey Everybody! I haven't posted in a while. Not much has been happening here. Today was my mom's birthday so we had chocolate cupcakes and ice cream after dinner. We have been super busy getting ready for the Italian Dinner. I think my fingers are going to fall off if I have to play the second page of Gypsy Serenade one more time! ;) I think it should go okay. Today in AP Lang and Comp we got books that we have to read. We could pick between White Oleander and On Writing. I picked On Writing because I have already read White Oleander. In gym class we are watching Supersize Me. It made me happy because that means we don't have to play pingpong. :) Tomorrow we are in the weight room though...ugh. Oh, well.
Well, I should probably go now, I just wanted to give you guys a quick update on how my life has been going.

We have to plan a weekend when we can go to Iowa. Any suggestions on good weekends, post here! :D