MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

9 gusht 2008


Hi guys. We just got back from a week in Michigan visiting with relatives. It was really fun. We went to the beach every day and hung out a lot with our cousins. One of my cousins, who is going to beauty school, cut my hair and another came back from Africa while we were there. Needless to say, we got to hear a lot of great stories. Despite all of the fun we had, it was nice to get home last night (just in time for the Olympic Opening Ceremonies!!) Now I am reading a borrowed copy of Breaking Dawn and almost done with it already! (I started it this morning.)
At the beach!

27 korrik 2008


Hey, we got back from Europe a week ago. Paula has it all on her blog if you want to read about it. Not much has been happening here. We leave for Michigan on Friday, which will be fun. Sorry, for such a short post, but it has been really boring here.

17 qershor 2008


Sunday was my birthday! I got a new ipod, since mine is no longer functioning. Paula picked out the cake this year, so we had an X-Treme Chocolate ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. It was AWESOME!

10 qershor 2008

summer update

Hooray! School's out! Finals weren't too bad, thankfully. My birthday is on Sunday, too, so that's exciting. Erin, Leah, and Paige are in Germany right now. Paula's been sick for a couple days. I got a new shirt. I'm rambling...sorry. Well, I'm gonna go outside and get some fresh air and sun now.

17 maj 2008

Meet Gus-Gus!

I got my violin! His name is Gus-Gus (like the mouse in Cinderella!).

11 maj 2008

Relay, Orchestra, Art Show

The past week and weekend have been really busy, so I'll try to condense them down a little bit. On Wednesday the orchestra played in the Library before the Band pops concert and during the Art Show (inwhich I took third!) . Here is a clip from the concert of us playing Irish Party in Third class. Then on Friday night we had Relay for Life at school. Art Club (the team I was on) raised over 3,000 dollars alone! :) Jessica raised a ton again. We had a lot of fun. We face painted, played frisbee, wii, batminton, big base, and walked a ton. It was a blast. We have our Orchestra concert in a week! Yikes! Tomorrow is the Body Worlds field trip for Anatomy and Megan, Paula, and I are going on it. Wednesday is the AP Lang and Comp test! :( I'm scared. Well, I should probably go now, but I'll post again later this week sometime.HerrF without a mustache!!

4 maj 2008


Prom was yesterday and it was a BLAST! We got ready at Paige's house and then went to the dance, which was at Florien Gardens. They actually played good music and had really, really good cookies on tables around the room. The DJ was pretty good and there were doors inside the room where we were dancing where you could go outside and still hear the music, so we went out there when it got to crowded and warm to dance. I don't have a lot of time to post now, but I bet Paula will put up more stuff about it. The first picture is of me outside Paige's house and the second is Paula and me inside Paige's house.
I haven't been doing a whole lot lately. In English we started our Shakespeare unit and are reading The Taming of the Shrew. I started a self defense class with Erin, Leah, and Paula. We have the Band Pops Concert on Wednesday so we are playing for the Art Show in the library (which I have some jewelry pieces in). I'll post again soon!

1 prill 2008

Iowa Trip

For a super-detailed synopsis of the trip, see Paula's Blogpage. Summarized: We had a BLAST! :)

22 mars 2008

Spring Break Part 1 (Actually this is from the middle of break, but oh well.)

These are the only pictures so far that I could get to work right away. They are all from Chincoteague Island off Virginia. The first one is me by the ocean, the second is me with a pony, and the third is me and Paula on a hiking trail taking a rest and acting silly.

12 mars 2008

Orchestra Concert

Hey everybody! I haven't posted in a while, so sorry. But I'm posting right now so it doesn't really matter that much. Lots has happened since I last wrote. I will try to summarize all of it for you:

I recovered from my injury with not much pain. My hand and fingers are fine. Megan, Erin, and Rachel went to JB concert and brought me back a t-shirt which I LOVE! Hence the picture.

We had an orchestra concert last weekend, which went really well. We played Carmen Suite, Rhosymedre, and Lord of the Dance. Unfortunately we didn't get a recording, but it was awesome! Then we went to the symphony concert afterwards in all of our orchestra uniform finery. It was amazing. After that Megan, Rachel, Noah, Paula, and I ended up at Perkins after a long search to find somewhere to get ice cream. It was a blast. I can't remember when I laughed so hard. :)

Ooooh we got a new TV and it is really big! MOVIE NIGHT! Wish Rebecca were here so we could all crash in front of it with a huge bowl of popcorn and Newsies blaring.

17 shkurt 2008


Ok, so Paula and I wanted to make cookies today. We got everything out and picked out a recipe. I was putting the beaters into the electric mixer, and I made the mistake of plugging it in first. Well, it turned on and my fingers got caught in it while it was spinning. I freaked out and turned it off. I started laughing, but then it really hurt so I was laughing and crying at the same time. I think I ripped all of the tendons in two of my fingers and possibly broke one of them, but probably not since I can bend all of them. It hurts like H-E-double toothpicks. Don't worry, though, I'm not severely injured and I'll probably be fine.
We have had a pretty good weekend. YAY 4 DAYS OFF!! We all have colds except my dad. It was snowing really hard this morning but it looks like it has stopped now. I want to go and see Jumper sometime while we are off school. Sorry, I'm kind of rambling...

10 shkurt 2008

Busy Weekend!

Well, people, the Italian Dinner is over with. I don't know if I am happy or sad about it. We set up on Friday night, a feat which mainly entailed bringing decorations down from the school's attic, setting up tables, getting the stage ready, and decorating like mad. We had a pizza party after it was all decorated, and then each group playing had a sound check. I got home at 6:30 but it felt like about 10:30 or 11:00. I was bushed, so I stayed up for a little while, and then I went to bed. Bright and early Saturday morning, Erin and Leah picked us up for the ACT. It started at 8:00 AM but we had to be there early to check in. That lasted a boring five hours. After that, we went home for about an hour and a half before we had to go to the Italian Dinner. We got there pretty early and helped with some last minute decorating and setting up. Then we had to get ready to play. I played the first shift and that went all right without any major mishaps. At 6:30 I had to serve which went okay and then Ariel and I went around with a donation box and raked in the moolah. Once all of the guests had left, we had a mad clean-up which included taking down the stage, running up and down the hallways pulling six people on a cart, and carrying heavy items up to the attic. Then a group of us stood around and talked until everyone else left. Then we went home.
On Sunday Paula and I went to Juno with Jessica, then came home and helped my mom make cookies, and Dad and I got lost going to the Community Table to drop of extra ID food. Later tonight we are going to a family friends' house for dinner. So all in all, I've had a very busy weekend.

27 janar 2008

16 janar 2008


Hey Everybody! I haven't posted in a while. Not much has been happening here. Today was my mom's birthday so we had chocolate cupcakes and ice cream after dinner. We have been super busy getting ready for the Italian Dinner. I think my fingers are going to fall off if I have to play the second page of Gypsy Serenade one more time! ;) I think it should go okay. Today in AP Lang and Comp we got books that we have to read. We could pick between White Oleander and On Writing. I picked On Writing because I have already read White Oleander. In gym class we are watching Supersize Me. It made me happy because that means we don't have to play pingpong. :) Tomorrow we are in the weight room though...ugh. Oh, well.
Well, I should probably go now, I just wanted to give you guys a quick update on how my life has been going.

We have to plan a weekend when we can go to Iowa. Any suggestions on good weekends, post here! :D