MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

23 shtator 2007

Homecoming Weekend!

This weekend our school had its Homecoming weekend. The theme was 50 Golden Years since it is the school's 50th birthday. Kinda cheezy theme, huh? Well anyways the parade was canceled because of "bad weather". It was really sunny and only rained for about a minute. Erin and Leah picked us up on Friday night and we went to the football game. It was fun. Nobody was sitting and everyone was talking and goofing around. It is more of a social than sporting event. When we left, MHS was losing 35 to 14. They have only won one game I think throughout this whole season. It is kind of pathetic actually. Saturday Paula and I just hung out and waited until 5:00 when Nina and Hanna came over to get ready for the Homecoming Dance! It was a blast. I am proud to say I did Hanna's hair very well (with a little bit of Nina's help at the end!) We got to the dance fashionably late which was okay because the only people who get there on time are the stupid freshman who don't know anything about prober Dance ettiquette (I know I'm mean.) It was super loud and they played mostly rap music, but other than that it was okay. I danced with a boy :-P (Ok, it was Mitch, but he's still a boy...) And we met Erin and Leah's German Exchange Students. They are so nice but I think the dance overwhelmed them a little bit. Jessica brought her friend from North, Kayla, who is also really nice. I got home at 11:30 pm and crashed.

8 shtator 2007


School started on Wednesday. It went okay for the most part. I like all of my classes except for Civics. If this explains anything, we have six football players in our class. Oh, and about 3 or 4 druggies. The teacher is nuts. That is probably all I need to say about it. But German, Orchestra, and AP Lang and Comp are great!
Finally it is the first weekend! This morning we went to the Farmer's Market with my mom and got a bunch of fruit and veggies and other yumness. :P Later today we are probably going to get together with Erin and Leah to get everything ready for the Fall Festival next Saturday! :) I am excited for that.

2 shtator 2007

Lost and Found

Yippee! Paula found my ipod yesterday! I thought it was gone for good.
I haven't posted in a while because I've just been so dang busy. Tennis started (obviously) so I have had matches twice a week and practice every day. It is going great. Erin and I have only lost 2 matches as a doubles team which is pretty good for this season. We got to see varsity play at one of our matches and that was pretty sweet. I've been juggling my social life around tennis and other randomness so sorry if I haven't talked to you in a while. What with school shopping, last minute get togethers with friends, AP Lang and Comp homework, getting ready for the Fall Festival, and organizing a movie night (it WILL happen eventually, Megan!!) I have had little time to do fun things. Tomorrow is 1/2 off at Savers for the Labor Day sale so Paula are going bright and early to hunt out some bargains. On Tuesday we are planning a half-day trip to Menomenie's bead store with Erin and Leah before our tennis match. Hopefully we'll be done with that by 10:30 at the earliest so we can get to bed for school on Wednesday. AHHH!!
<----This is Paula's $20 Prom dress from Savers. I thought somebody should put a picture of it up since she hasn't yet. I'll have to post a pic of my $10 Homecoming dress. Hey speaking of which, does anyone know if they're going to Homecoming yet?