MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

21 gusht 2007


Hey I just got my schedule today so here it is!

1. AP Lang and Comp
2. Acc PreCalc
3. Individual Sports
4. German 4
5. Ancient and Medieval History
6. Symphony Orchestra
7. Civics and Public Life

Let me know if you have anything with me!
Yesterday we went and saw Becoming Jane. It was amazing!

14 gusht 2007

silly pictures, improv, and more tennis...

On Sunday Paula and I spent the afternoon jumping off of a picnic table at Erin and Leah's house onto a trampoline and taking pictures of ourselves in mid-air. It was so much fun. THis picture on the left is the best one of me that was taken. After we were done making fools of ourselves we went to Boyd Park where some of the MHS graduates from the improv team were doing a free improv show. It was one of the funniest things that I have seen in a long time. Their best game was one that they made up an hour before the show (or so they said) called Singing/Not Singing. They would start a skit and then at random intervals throughout the skit one of the team members would start playing music on a keyboard and the people in the skit would have to start singing. It was hysterical! I was laughing sooo hard. Oh, for those of you who are taking AP Lang and Comp, we saw Mrs. Nelson there! She got to meet us and we got to meet her. She is super nice and I bet we'll have a good time in that class. We have also been really busy with tennis. We've had two matches in the past four days. Erin and I have lost only one of the four matches that we've played together. I haven't had a chance to play singles yet, luckily. (I hate singles!)

7 gusht 2007

Tennis Season

The tennis season started today for school. After waking up early from a horrible night's sleep, I took a shower (mistake number 1) and got ready to leave. When we got to MHS we had to sit around for about fifteen minutes and wait for the coaches to be ready. By that time I was feeling kind of sick. It was really hot and muggy outside. When the coaches finally showed up we got out onto the courts to warm up. We hit for a while and then did drills for groundstrokes first. Then we rotated and did volleys and ended with serving. I am hopefully going to make JV1 this year. I have been on JV2 for the past two years so hopefully this year is my year! I came home and had to take another shower since I was literally dripping with sweat. Now I'm exhausted. Hopefully tomorrow's practice won't be as bad.

2 gusht 2007

Wally, Watermelon, and Haircuts!

Yesterday Paula and I were eating watermelon on the front steps and Wally came outside where we were. Paula thought it would be funny to let him eat off her watermelon and I took a picture of it! :) Awww he's so cute! Anyways, I've had a pretty good couple of days back home. Yesterday I went to Borders and picked up a giftcard aswell as previewed a couple of books. Then we went to Michael's so Paula could get some plastic mesh stuff to finish knitting her newsboy style hat. Then I got my hair cut. The picture below is what it looks like. I got long bangs! The picture's not the best, but you can still see what it looks like. After that I had a violin lesson and then I went to try out a German violin that they lady I'm renting the one I have now from just got in. I'm hopefully going to buy one this summer. I have a favorite already. It's Italian but it is used and was cracked at one time. The tone quality is AMAZING though! Then after that Paula and i biked to play tennis with Erin and Leah. Season starts next week! Yikes!