MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

31 korrik 2007

CSI Exhibit

We just got back from our trip to Ohio. Paula describes the trip in her blog, but I wanted to talk about the CSI exhibit that we went to in Chicago on the way down. We got to solve a murder case and do all of the things that a CSI would. It was sooo cool! The case that I was "assigned to" was a car that went into a living room. The first thing we did was document the crime scene and then we got to "go to the lab" and check finger prints and DNA. It was awesome. We solved it right, too! I also got a pretty awesome t-shirt that has the CSI logo on it!

24 korrik 2007

Harry Potter 7

We just finished the HP7 book ! It is a tradition that we read all of the HP books out loud so that is why it took us so long to finish it. I thought that it was amazing, though some parts got on my nerves. Let me know when you finish it so I can hint to some more of the plotline. I don't like spoilers.
We leave for Ohio on Thursday but will be back on Sunday. On the way down we are going to stop at the CSI exhibit at the Chicago Science Museum. I am really excited!

20 korrik 2007

<---Yesterday we had Erin and Leah over and did Henna tattoos! This is what mine looks like before all of the black stuff fell off. It is supposed to be tannish orangish colored.
Today we dont' have summer orchestra! Yay! Hopefully I will be able to go and see the Harry Potter 5 movie tonight with my family. THE BOOK COMES OUT TOMORROW! (or tonight at midnight!) I am really excited!

19 korrik 2007

Turtles, orchestra, Harry Potter and other randomness

Hey we went out in the creek again today and found a baby snapping turtle! I held it so Paula could take this picture! --->
Today we had our last day of summer orchestra. I am sad and glad at the same time. It was growing on me. I met a couple of new people from North and just incoming freshman. It looks like we are still going to be pretty good this year. (It will be sad, though without Rebecca!) I had a violin lesson yesterday though, so it was like an overdose on orchestra.
Tomorrow we are hopefully going to see the HP5 movie. Maybe we'll nip into the midnight party for the HP7 book and then on Saturday we are going to wait at home for the book to come! Yay! I am really excited!

15 korrik 2007

It's a beautiful day!

Today we took Wally swimming in the creek since it was so hot. Paula and I brought the digital camera so we ended up taking a bunch of silly pics. ^Ok, so this is Wally in the water.

Yesterday my dad, Paula, and I went roller blading in our neighborhood (if you could call it that). It was really funny (but really hard on my butt muscles).

This is a picture that my mom took of Paula and me after we got out of the creek. -->

Later today we might go see a movie or something, I don't know yet. We got a new DVD player so we might just hang out at home and watch a movie here.

14 korrik 2007

Life in the big E.C. is pretty boring right now. I got my AP test scores (yippee skippee for me)! Yesterday I got together with some friends and we watched a couple movies. Then Paula and I biked to SMS to play tennis with Erin and Leah. It was really fun! They gave us these amazing candies from Costa Rica! :) I am reading The Bourne Identity right now and I LOVE IT! It is sooo good and I highly recommend it!

9 korrik 2007

Home At Last

Hey Everybody!
We made it home from Michigan okay and all in one piece after a full day of driving...ugh! It wasn't that bad and Paula and I passed the time mostly listening to cds, Paula's ipod, and the Newsies soundtrack. It was almost fun for a long car trip.
Ok, now I'm going to go off on a long tangent about the trip. We had sooo much fun!
Saturday: In the car aallllll day!
Day 1: Sunday: We got up early to get ready for church. After church we hung out with family and then went to the beach later that day. The waves were huge! We body surfed with my cousin, Olivia (age 10).
Day 2: Monday: On Monday it was colder so we didn't go to the beach. We hung out at home and visited my cousin Molly where she worked at the Trick Dog.
Day 3: Tuesday: Still too cold to go swimming. Tuesday we went to Story Hour (my aunt works at the Library and does this for younger kids) with my two younger cousins. Paula and I mainly looked at books. Then we went back to my grandma's and hung out with family some more. We took our two younger cousins canoing in the bay across the street from my grandparent's house We slept over at my cousin's house and giggled and had a really great time!
Day 4: Wednesday: Happy 4th of July! Today we woke up and ate pancakes before heading out to the parade. We went back to my Grandma's to eat candy and have a big picnic lunch. Later on we went to my aunt and uncle's house so we could walk to the fireworks on the beach.
Day 5: Thursday: It was finally warm enough to go to the beach! My aunt, uncle, and cousin from my dad's side of the family came down for a visit so we got to see them that evening.
Day 6: Friday: We went to the beach again for most of the day. We got icecream like we had every other day this week (I don't think I mentioned that before) and we got T-shirts from the CSA building.
Day 7: Saturday: The last day...We had a bridal shauer for my Cousin's fiance, Sarah. It was super fun despite the bat that swooped around our heads and sending panic through a lot of the guests. (Grandpa came and took it out). Then my cousin took us to the beach again!
Sunday: In the car aallllll day!

Sorry if I bored you with this long narrative about the trip! :) Actually I take that back, I'm not sorry! :D

4 korrik 2007

Happy 4th All!

Happy Fourth of July to Everyone! Today we went to the parade downtown and got tons of candy even though we're old. (It helps when teenage boys are the ones that are throwing it...) We had a sandwich buffet for lunch and Grandma made potato salad. Now we are having an Apples to Apples tournament.
Later tonight we're going to my aunt and uncles' house to walk down to the fireworks on the beach. I'll have to take pictures of that because it is soooo cool up there. Unfortunately it is really wet and rainy out so hopefully it will dry up in time for the fireworks. It is supposed to. Hopefully it will dry up enough for us to go to the beach tomorrow.

2 korrik 2007


Hey we made it to Michigan on Saturday. Sunday was pretty uneventful. We went to church and then we went and visited my cousin at the Trick Dog where she works. After that we came home and then ate lunch. We went to the beach around 4ish and body surfed because it was really windy so the waves were HUGE! We topped off the day with a huge monopoly tournament (my dad won.)
Today we got up early and walked downtown with mom and dad. We got a ride back with my Aunt and came back to my Grandparents' house for lunch. Then we took my Grandpa's canoe out and paddled across the bay to visit the Trick Dog and the Library (where my aunt works) before paddling back. We played Mexican Train Dominoes with my cousins, Grandma, and mom. I'll have to post some pictures of us canoing once we get home (or when I figure out how to get them from the camera to my Grandparents' computer.)